10 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic in 2020

Getting traffic in 2020 is becoming more difficult by the min. with a blog or website popping up every second. You need so fresh ways to incresase your traffic.

That’s why I put together 10 ways to increase your website traffic in 2020.

Did you know that they are billions blogs and website online and more are coming every year.

WordPress alone is powering about 35% of those world’s websites.

You need some fresh ideas to get a continues flow of traffic to your website for free.

#1 Create Quizzes and Games

Its time to make getting traffic fun and entertaining to you audience. Mix it up a little bit with quizzes or a fun games to play on your site.

Which content would you engage with more?

The answers is obvious Quizzes and Games

People want to be entertain when they come to your blog or website and informed.

Thats where Gamification comes in it is the process of using games to boost user engagments on your website. Take a look at this explain where the visitor can scrath the image for a prize.

Gamifications is the way to go in 2020 to get your website visitors more engage with your

When a visitors is shown that he or she has a chance to win something like a prize who wouldnt want to play that game. A chance to win a free prize Im all in my friend.

Then you combine this with attention grabbing graphcs and videos now you have your visitors full attention and a serious chance to get to know your Company or Brand.

#2 Post to Relevant Facebook Group

Facebook groups are on fire 🔥 right now and you need to be in these communities. So how do you get targeted traffic.

Its easy!

You want to provide as much value to these communities as possible by answering questions and building relationships.

Show people you are an authority figure in your industry by providing detail answers to their questions in the group.

Make sure to utilize other features of the group by adding video’s, files, and images that help the members with their problems. Most people ignore these options in Facebook group. And you will get more traffic. Make sure to avoid promotional links

#3 Join Q&A Sites

When people have questions that means there protential traffic to your site. Every industry has questions to ask you just need to know how to answer these questions

And this is how sites like Quora and Yahoo Answers was born.

This is a truly and opportunity to get unlimited traffic for free.

As long as people don’t understand something these sites will always be in business and so will you.

So have a present on these sites and did I mention its FREE.

#4 Pin on Pinterest

Getting traffic on Pinterest is much easier than trying to get traffic from Google. So you should be creating attention-grabbing images you can post to your blog post to Pinterest.

Pinterest Groups

Join Tailwind Tribes to promote your pins in over +4,000 niches and meet new influencers to build relationships with over time.

Need more traffic try posting ton Pinterest groups. Try searching for a Pinterest group to join with Pingroup

#5 Post on Medium

What is Medium anyway? Medium is an online publishing writing platform that was created by Evan Williams who also found Twitter and Blogger. Medium was launched in August 2012

So why should you consider writing on Medium instead of other platforms

Here are 3 Reasons why you need to be on Medium in 2020 and beyond

  1. Medium has an Domain Authority of 95 on Moz
  2. Majority of Mediums traffic is from mobile devices
  3. Almost half of Mediums traffic comes from search results

What does its mean for you is more traffic Google loves sites like Medium which makes it easier for you to rank on the first page in the organic results because of there high Domain Authority.

Want to learn more about how to generate tons of traffic with Medium take a look at this course called OneMinutetraffic

#6 Become a LinkedIn Live Broadcaster

How to Become a LinkedIn Live Broadcaster. Start going live on linkedin

Linkedin Live video broadcasting is limited to only a few memebers and Linkedin Pages so make sure to apply asap.

There are two ways to apply as a member or Linkedin Page.

Make sure to give as much details about where you have stream live video on other platforms like facebook live. If you have a large audience add these details it may help get you approved.


#7 Email Marketing

Well this is one you just can leave out of your marketing strateg even if its been out since 1997.

Building a list should be #1 priority in your business

Having a list gives the ability to build relationships with your audience and to connect with them with personalize message.

And I said this many times before when you build a list that something you own and can take with you forever in your business.

You will always own your list. And also have a way to contact your audience if anything ever happens to your social medial accounts.

#8 Learn Video Marketing

Did you know that some stats are saying that 80% of all internet traffic will be video soon.

That is an unbelieveable amount of traffic going to videos if you are a marketer thats a number that you just cant ignore.

The signs are all around you like Facebook Lives, Instagram IGTV Youtube Live, now Linkedin Live Broadcaster.

The internet wants videos and fast

Guys you need to catch this train and learn how to create videos online fast before the opportunity passes you by.

Since I joined Youtube back in June 2010. I had no idea you could get so much traffic by creating videos.

Last year is when I really started to post videos on a consistent basis to my YouTube channel.

And with the help of my buddy Tubebuddy I was able to get over 200k views on my Youtube channel. This is unbelievable just using this browser extension has help grown my channel subscribers and views.

#9 Share Your Website to Facebook Stories

Did you know you can share your links from your websites, blogs to Facebook stories can increase your traffic to your websites or blogs?

On averaging I’m getting about 30 views every story I post so if you post everyday for 30 days that’s on average 900 views you could receive in 30 days.

And let’s say if only 20% of the people who view your stories click your story that’s and extra 180 people looking at your offer every month plus whatever other traffic methods you are using to get traffic.

Now let’s say in a perfect world you post 2 stories everyday you would receive 360 clicks going to your website.

So you can see how effective this strategy can be if you do it consistently on a daily basis to get more traffic. But if you really want to get even more traffic I would run story ads.

#10 Start a Podcast

According to Statista In 2018, the number of podcast listeners in the United States reached 75 million, and it is predicted to reach 164 million monthly listeners in the year 2024, with the compound annual growth rate between 2019 and 2023 pegged at 17 percent.

As you can see over the past 5yrs podcast is on a upper trend in Google trends

Still need more ways to increase traffic to your website or blog join my YouTube Channel here and get free tips.

Well I hope you enjoy this post and I hope it help you with getting more traffic.

About The Author

Anthony Johnson

Anthony Johnson is an Online Business and Marketing Coach with over 7yrs of Marketing exp. online in wordpress, analytics, facebook marketing, mlm, seo and much more. Also have a Degree in Computer Technology and a Certificate in Computer Service and Repair and is very passionate about helping Individuals and Small Business Owners Succeed by Growing your Business with Internet Marketing. Affliliate Disclaimer Some blog post may contain affiliate links, which means when you click the links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you