Facebook Live Tips: Getting More Traffic to Your Website

Facebook Lives

Do you have fear of doing facebook live and you think you just cant get in front of the camera of hundredths or even thousands of people at a time.

At first it seems like one of the hardest things to do online, its like talking in front of a public audience but theres no audience in front of you they are all online watching you.

What if you had some guidelines to help show you what to do from start to finish would it seen like you could do it then?

Of course you could and get over the fear of doing facebook live at the same time.

In todays post I wanted to show you how you can add more structure to your facebook lives.

Trust me you will get over it, it only takes a few times of going live then it comes like riding a bike. The fear is gone and your on your way to success with facebook.

You may also be ask yourself why would I ever put my self thought that and answer is easy like anything else in life that great things are always on the other site of fear. Learn that from Will Smith love your movies will.

The facts are in doing facebook lives will get you more exposure than any other post and we all want more love from facebook right.

Ok lets get into it here are a few tips that should help when you are doing your facebook lives

1. Make sure to think of the people who come to your facebook lives after going live (reply viewers). Always keep in mind not to have a long lag in your facebook lives waiting for people to get on your facebook lives because when someone watches your reply they may not have the patient to wait for you to get started.

2.Promote your facebook lives – This is a common thing I see online is alot of people like to go live but they really dont promote your facebook lives before they go live to your audience to let them know Im going live soon come check me out.

Another great tips is to also promote your lives after you go live to get more exposure to your lives try posting your lives in targeted groups related to your passion this will really bring more people to start watching your lives.

Also you can promote your facebook lives on other plaforms like Youtube just download your facebook live to your computer and upload it to youtube. Now you are even more expossure to your brand without any more effort.

3. Have a guideline of how to do your Facebook live – Here is one that will give your facebook live more structure so you know exactly what to do in your live.

When you first start you facebook live make sure to introduce yourself with your Name then if you have a website you can call that out as well. Also make sure to let your audience know what your facebook lives is going to be all about for the next 10 – 15 mins.

Professional Tip: Always remember make sure you don’t wait for everyone to get on your facebook live before you start talking because having that gap will really lose a lot of your audience on the replays, this is where most of your traffic will come from also.

After you have introduce yourself its time to get to know your audience ask them a quick questions like where is everyone from or what business are you currently involved in now.

4 Give Value – Next step making sure you are giving a ton of value to your audience this is very important your audience is expecting some thing of value to learn from you as a leader in your niche.

After you are into your facebook live for a few mins its ok to ask for some engagement from your audience to keep them entertain doing the live.  You might want to say if you are getting value out of this live make sure to hit the like, heart buttom or leave a comment or share this live to someone who will need this information.

Breaking off from the live to re-engage with your audience is always a plus it also allows you to introduce new people who just entered your live.

5.  Call to action – When closing your facebook live make sure to thank for audience attending your live and them more about your product or service you offer that can solve their problem.  And that’s its that’s all it is to going live

If you thought these tips where helpful to get your started on during your first facebook live or to continue to do facebook lives check out this fb live training 

About The Author

Anthony Johnson

Anthony Johnson is an Online Business and Marketing Coach with over 7yrs of Marketing exp. online in wordpress, analytics, facebook marketing, mlm, seo and much more. Also have a Degree in Computer Technology and a Certificate in Computer Service and Repair and is very passionate about helping Individuals and Small Business Owners Succeed by Growing your Business with Internet Marketing. Affliliate Disclaimer Some blog post may contain affiliate links, which means when you click the links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you