Thumbnail Blaster Review

What a amazing thumbnail creator thumbnail blaster is truly a time saver for marketers to get thumbnail out in a timely manner. Ive been using thumbnail blaster for a few months now and I must say Im glad I purchase it when I did.

Thumbnail blaster has save me countless hours trying to create thumbnails on my own or trying to hire someone online who I don’t even know will do I good job creating my thumbnails.

What is Thumbnail Blaster?

Thumbnail Blaster is a one of the kind cloud-based app that allows you to create custom thumbnails with 30 custom thumbnail temples you can start to use immediately.

You can for the first time also spit test your thumbnails right inside of the app to see which thumbnail is the best performing thumbnail for your audience.

And that’s not all theirs more thumbnail blaster can has an A.I. Image Analysler to check all your images for racy inappropriate images, violent this could LIMIT your videos from being shown to your audience or even worse… GHOST your video, so nobody can see it…

What are the benefits of using Thumbnail Blaster

#1 Its going to save you time and money from hiring designer

#2 Split tester allows you to get the best results by seeing which thumbnail your audience is clicking the most.

Thumbnail Blaster Split test

So how much does Thumbnail Blaster cost?

Right now you can get thumbnail blaster for a low one-time cost of just $47

This is well worth the price because not only does thumbnail blaster helps with getting more traffic to your YouTube videos. You can also use this for creating images for your blog, social media accounts or even starting a business.

By creating a account on you can create YouTube thumbnails for clients and start generating a side income.

I plan on using this software to create some of my Pinterest images to get better results and drive more traffic to my blog.

Thumbnail Blaster Review – Front end & OTOs

Thumbnail Blasters OTOs

The front end of thumbnail blaster will cost you $47 one-time payment subject to change. This is a seal for what you are going to be getting its a very reasonable price to create YouTube thumbnails or images for any other projects you might be working on like facebook post, Instagram etc…..

Thumbnail Blaster has added to improvements to the image creator which will allow you to create more images at no additional cost to you.

OTO1 is Thumbnail Blaster Pro

Reason #1: Multiple Account Support
Your current version of Thumbnail Blaster allows you to add one account at a time…
If you want to update the videos from a different account…well you will have to remove the current account from Thumbnail Blaster, and add a new one.
And that can be a pretty tedious process… BUT, With the PRO version of Thumbnail Blaster you will get unlimited access to the Thumbnail Blaster APP!
That means that you will be able to add as many accounts or channels at the same time in Thumbnail Blaster and also use them at the same time!

Reason #2: Extended License Support
Do you want to Grow Your Business even faster
The PRO version gives you EXTENDED license support, meaning that you can share your login with your assistant and SCALE as fast as possible!

If you checked out any PRO YouTube account, you will see that most of them have all the thumbnails following the same stye.
Maybe right now you are not sure what thumbnail style fit your videos, but after you start using Thumbnail Blaster you will find some templates that you like the most, customize them… and want to use them on and on, for your future uploads…

For those of you.. Who want to create custom thumbnail templates, we added the option to save your thumbnails designs as your own TEMPLATES,
so you can use them later on!

Reason #4: A.I. Thumbnail Analyzer

YouTube uses an AI algorithm to determine the actual content of a thumbnail, and if the algorithm determines that your thumbnail is

A.I. Thumbnail Analyzer

And the problem is that the YouTube Algorithm is not 100% RIGHT all the time…
Our A.I. Thumbnail Analyzer uses the same IMAGE DETECTION engine as YouTube.
You will be able to know right from the start if your thumbnail is 100% SAFE or … if the thumbnail might limit your REACH.
Just upload an image and you will find out in advance if your thumbnail could be marked as: adult, medical, spoof, violent or racy… and limit your reach.

This UPGRADE is very powerful! And right now you can get it for a ONE-TIME-FEE but after the launch ends, we will switch it to a monthly subscription.
Why pay monthly… when you can get it TODAY for a one time fee:

OTO #2 Template Club

Join the template club will get you access to 20 New Templates/month

OTO #4 Lingo Blaster

Lingo Blaster allows you to translate your videos titles and descripitons in 100+ languages

What are Thumbnail Blaster Customers Says Check it Out

Thumbnail Blaster – Common Ask Questions

#1 Can I run Thumbnail Blaster on a Windows or Apple?

Yes you can Thumbnail Blaster is a cloud-based app so it can run on any device.

#2 Is there a Money back Guarantee if I want to return it?

Yes there is you have nothing to lose there is a 30 day money back guarantee


Thumbnail Blaster is a beginner friendly software that will help you to get more traffic to your videos.

Its easy to use and can save you a ton of money on graphics designers.

About The Author

Anthony Johnson

Anthony Johnson is an Online Business and Marketing Coach with over 7yrs of Marketing exp. online in wordpress, analytics, facebook marketing, mlm, seo and much more. Also have a Degree in Computer Technology and a Certificate in Computer Service and Repair and is very passionate about helping Individuals and Small Business Owners Succeed by Growing your Business with Internet Marketing. Affliliate Disclaimer Some blog post may contain affiliate links, which means when you click the links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you