Why its a Smart Idea to use Manychat Bots for Facebook Messenger Marketing

Messenger marketing is quickly becoming the future medium channel communication for marketers. And Manychat is the leading-edge messenger marketing platform  to create bots on the facebook messenger platform. There are simply too many benefits that it offers over other more traditional Internet marketing methods like email marketing that it cannot be ignored any longer. In this article, we will be discussing some of the benefits of ManyChat Messenger marketing.

Here are just a few Benefits of using Manychat Messenger Marketing:

1. It’s Both Easy To Use And Non-Intrusive.

One of the main reasons they are becoming so popular is because they are both easy and non-intrusive for those that are using them. Because it takes a lot of the conveniences of text message marketing, it even has benefits over text message marketing in a way. A majority of consumers are actively using social media and engaging in social media in a way that is comfortable to them. Because of this, by messaging with them where they are comfortable, you are going to be able to achieve much better overall communication.

2. Open Rates.

When it comes to email, one of the biggest pitfalls of the marketing method itself is its low open rates. With email marketing, you are generally not going to be able to achieve a high open rate. Because of this, a lot of potential ends up wasted. Whereas, when you opt for ManyChat messenger marketing, you are going to be able to achieve a much higher open rate because it offers a much more non-intrusive and responsive form of marketing. They are going to be much more likely to open and read what you have to say because they are used to doing it and because it is much easier to do than opening an email nowadays.

3. Better Engagement.

Another significant reason it is so beneficial over traditional email marketing would have to be due to its ability to generate such high levels of engagement. With messenger marketing, you are going to be able to maximize your engagement because you will have the ability to offer an immediate response to whoever you are looking to engage with. This alone is going to increase their level of engagement.

4. Increase Conversions.

Another major benefit that you are going to be able to get with this type of marketing over email marketing is the ability to communicate and engage with those that are warm leads for your business. Because these chatbots can be deployed when you are looking to make a sale, it is going to be a sales tool that you can use much more effectively than you would be able to email marketing. With email marketing, there is simply not enough direct communication to really achieve a high conversion rate.

Overall, there are a lot of benefits that you are going to be able to get with messenger marketing. Not only are you going to be able to communicate with your audience in a much less intrusive way, but it is going to allow you to boost conversions due to the time that you are able to communicate with them and the quickness with which you will be able to respond.


It is simply a better way to go about marketing your business nowadays because it comes with many inherent benefits over email marketing. With that being said, you still want to incorporate email marketing into your mix. It’s just important to understand the importance and the rise of messenger marketing within the industry and how to leverage it to really drive sales within your business as a whole.

About The Author

Anthony Johnson

Anthony Johnson is an Online Business and Marketing Coach with over 7yrs of Marketing exp. online in wordpress, analytics, facebook marketing, mlm, seo and much more. Also have a Degree in Computer Technology and a Certificate in Computer Service and Repair and is very passionate about helping Individuals and Small Business Owners Succeed by Growing your Business with Internet Marketing. Affliliate Disclaimer Some blog post may contain affiliate links, which means when you click the links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you

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