Creating Viral Video Marketing for Small businesses

Viral Video marketing is a very widely used form of promotion that can be very effective when used appropriately. Video Marketing has been in existence for some time now in the shape of television advertisements, the first official tv ad was for the Bulova watches it was actually broadcast in America on July 1, 1941…

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Video Traffic Academy | Leveraging Video Marketing

Video Traffic Academy is a video marketing course to train business owners and marketers how to optimize their videos and use video marketing strategies to boost their traffic and increase sales. The Video Traffic Academy Course can be used by anyone at any particular level to learn the steps to increase your online traffic to…

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Home Video Marketing

Video marketing is still one of the hottest marketing options online today, home video marketing can create a real profitable income online . One of the hardest aspects people can face is determining what to  make their video on. When looking at marketing a product, it can be difficult. This is when some people will…

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